The very heart of the Catholic faith is often the most misunderstood, even by most Catholics. Aly uses scripture and the Jewish roots of Christianity to unpack the powerful truth of the Eucharist as the center of life itself.
A teaching on the awe-inspiring and powerful truth of the Eucharist as the center of life itself.
Tired of going through the motions? Ever wonder if there is a purpose behind the "Catholic Aerobics" we do on Sunday? Stand up, sit down, stand up, kneel...
Aly Aleigha unpacks the Mass and presents it to her audience in a way that is relevant, exciting and life-changing.
AUDIENCE: Entry level talk for
Jr. High / High School / Adults
A talk for those who are excited to learn deeper fundamental truths of Catholic Mass.
Using typology (parallels between the Old and New Testaments), Aly Aleigha breaks down the Last Supper and the glory of the Eucharist. Aly connects the Mosaic Passover with John's Gospel and explains Jewish customs that shed light on the importance of the Mass to us today, presenting the incredible, often unknown and mind-blowing realities of the Eucharist.
AUDIENCE: High School / Adults who are ready to dive deeper into the Mass
An Advent catechesis in which Aly uses the first chapter of John's Gospel to unpack the meaning of Christmas, and how Christmas is directly correlated with the Mass.
Note: Prezi Powerpoint
used for this talk.
AUDIENCE: Entry level talk for
Jr. High / High School / Adults