“ T H E C R O S S T H R O U G H M A R Y ’ S E Y E S ”
Everything the Church teaches about Mary is really a truth about Jesus.
If we get to know Mary better, she will lead us closer to her Son.
Using her gift of music, amusing personal stories, and a scientific/medical approach to understanding the Crucifixion, Aly Aleigha open the scriptures in a magnificent and relatable way, helping listeners walk hand-in-hand with Our Lady as she experienced the agony of witnessing her Son’s crucifixion.
AUDIENCE: Aly can adapt the talk for all audiences.
“ M A R Y , M O T H E R O F G O D ”
Do Catholics worship Mary? What do we actually believe about the Blessed Mother?
One of the key elements of the Catholic faith is very misunderstood--not only by our non-Catholic brothers and sisters, but also among Catholics as well. In this inspiring talk, Aly Aleigha explains the importance of Mary, the Mother of God, by drawing parallels between Old Testament figures and highlighting Christ's own desire for us to honor her as our Mother, too.
AUDIENCE: Best for Adults